LoudCrowd Raises $5M Series A to Automate Brand Ambassador Programs

LoudCrowd is positioned to reinvent the $16B influencer market by giving brands the ability to leverage customers as brand ambassadors to generate more UGC.

AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, October 6, 2022 — LoudCrowd has raised a $5 million Series A with a new investor, Mucker Capital, and will hire engineers and accelerate product buildout, after tripling revenue year-to-date and already doubling the team. This raise solidifies LoudCrowd as the platform leader for scaling automated brand ambassador programs. They are now positioned to reinvent the $16 billion influencer market by allowing brands to leverage customers as brand ambassadors to generate more UGC, user-generated content.

LoudCrowd has built a platform that helps brands get more social content and engagement from their customers via brand ambassador programs…tens of thousands of ambassadors for a mid-sized brand…”

— Omar Hamoui, Mucker Capital

From new board member and investor, Omar Hamoui, Mucker Capital, “We believe that the future of eCommerce is social, and brands are under-utilizing their customer’s social marketing power.”

Hamoui continues, “LoudCrowd has built a platform that helps brands get more social content and engagement from their customers via brand ambassador programs. While there are several companies vying to build ambassador solutions, LoudCrowd’s focus on automation allows their programs to scale far beyond anything else we’ve seen in the market. Think tens of thousands of ambassadors for a mid-sized brand, all managed by a single person.”

By automating brand ambassador programs, LoudCrowd allows brands to supplement or replace influencers. LoudCrowd is the only CRM (creator relationship management) platform analyzing earned social media in a way that connects UGC to tangible, actionable metrics. The platform also provides tools for brands to grow their UGC programs and social presence with capabilities such as social gifting, automated Instagram Story Replies, and audience segmentation.

“UGC is the future of social media as audiences are tired of influencers and demanding transparency. The future of social media is authentic, creator-driven content, as seen with the exploding popularity of TikTok, a platform built on user-generated content.”

Gary Garofalo, CEO, and co-founder continues, “as consumers demand authentic content and direct connection with their favorite brands, this type of earned social media becomes a billion-dollar marketing and advertising opportunity.”

Programs run by LoudCrowd have saved users over $300M in marketing dollars that would have been spent on influencers. And they’ve helped their top 80 customers reach over 8B impressions collectively!

From LoudCrowd power user Morgan Lerner, Co-Founder and CEO, Gonanas, “LoudCrowd – in combination with our marketing efforts – has allowed us to grow our reach 4-5x in just a few months, which has been SO awesome to see.”


LoudCrowd helps brands drive their customers to create more social content (UGC). The platform creates incentives for a brand’s customers to create content and automates relationships with brand ambassadors and advocates. Most brands run into scale issues when managing creators, LoudCrowd allows a fractional FTE to manage tens of thousands of relationships with customers and ambassadors. Their customers enjoy 10-100x the ROI of traditional influencer programs because a brand’s customers will create high-value content for small incentives and the love of the brand.

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