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Donna Bella Hair Sees an Increase in CVR by 636% with Creator Storefronts

Learn how Donna Bella Hair, an industry leader that provides hair stylists with 100% Remy human hair extensions, built a best-in-class creator affiliate community that boasts a 26% Influencer Storefront conversion rate (CVR). That’s an incremental increase of 636% compared to non-Storefront orders.


Reduction in Customer Acquisition Costs


Incremental Increase in Conversion Rate


Increase in Average Order Value


of Entire Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

Donna Bella Hair Influencer Storefronts / Creator Storefronts


Donna Bella Hair is the premier destination for innovative and forward-looking hair extensions. Donna Bella’s community of stylists is passionate about the product, philosophy, and community the brand represents. 

Donna Bella looked to improve its affiliate creator program previously managed by affiliate platform, Current. Donna Bella Hair cited turning to LoudCrowd for improved affiliate creator software services, in addition to introducing optimized, innovative creator-led commerce experiences to its customers through Creator Storefronts.


Donna Bella chose LoudCrowd to manage the Donna Bella Affiliate Program. The objectives are (1) boosting affiliate conversion rates by adding creator-led shopping with Creator Storefronts and (2) incentivizing creators to post by offering free product and competitive commissions. 

Donna Bella kept the structural components of its affiliate program the same but added LoudCrowd’s Creator Storefront & affiliate code solution. By electing to use Storefronts over traditional affiliate solutions, Donna Bella expected to:

  1. Radically increase conversion rates (CVR) from social traffic
  2. Boost average order values on affiliate orders (AOV)
  3. Decrease costs of new customer acquisition (CAC)


Donna Bella Hair Affiliate Program Transfers to LoudCrowd

Donna Bella Hair re-launched its affiliate creator program in August 2023. The program offers free products in exchange for UGC content on Instagram and TikTok, a competitive commission percentage ranging between 5% and 15% of referred orders, and a personalized Creator Storefront on the Donna Bella Hair website.

Donna Bella Hair Affiliate Program sign-up page. Applicants can plan to hear back in 5 business days.
Donna Bella Hair accepts applicants to the affiliate creator program directly on its site
Member Perks for the affiliate creator program:
- Competitive commissions
- Inside scoop on company updates
- Product seeding for content creation
- Opportunities to be featured
- Receive PR boxes
- Subscription to monthly newsletter
- Features on socials
- Exclusive challenges and contests
Donna Bella Hair automatically provides accepted creators with a personalized Creator Storefront and affiliate code, immediately and automatically. Creators are also offered other incentives like UGC rewards and PR boxes, through LoudCrowd’s automations.

Donna Bella encourages its team of creator affiliates to recruit net-new customers by offering a tiered commission structure that awards 5% for returning customers and 15% for net-new customers.

Donna Bella also gives creator affiliates their own personalized pages (Creator Storefronts) on its website without the use of any development resources. The automations associated with a LoudCrowd Storefront allows Donna Bella to generate and distribute Storefronts instantly.

The Creator Storefront allows influencers to drive revenue by:
1. Adding the creator’s social media content automatically to their Storefront page
2. Allowing the creator to make personalized haircare bundles on their own with the product picker functionality
3. Driving more conversions with a dynamic, automatic, and exclusive discounts for any prospective shopper on a Storefront

CHECK OUT: Example of a Donna Bella Creator Storefront

Donna Bella also turns to its Creator Storefronts for big campaigns. Most recently, Donna Bella boosted each creator’s automatic Storefront discount to 20% for its pre-Black Friday sale. Donna Bella uses Storefront’s flexible capabilities to temporarily increase automated discount percentages, and distribute notifications to affiliates seamlessly with LoudCrowd’s ESP integrations.

Donna Bella Hair leverages LoudCrowd's integration with ESPs like Klaviyo to deliver a white-label affiliate creator experience
Donna Bella Hair leverages LoudCrowd’s integration with ESPs like Klaviyo to deliver a white-label affiliate creator experience


On average, 100 Storefront owners drive nearly 1300 new prospective buyers to the Donna Bella site each month. Optimizing the social media to eComm shopping funnel allows Donna Bella Hair to convert these leads at a rate 636.54% higher than its store’s average CVR. As a result, Donna Bella’s 100 Creator Storefronts generates 10% of the brand’s entire Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) per month. 

GMV and % of Orders Attributed have increased month over month since the launch of the Donna Bella Hair affiliate program.
The Donna Bella Hair Affiliate Program is responsible for 1 and 10 of the brand’s orders. Since launching Creator Storefronts, the impact of the affiliate program has steadily increased

Buyers that visit a Creator Storefront also spend 28.39% more than Donna Bella Hair’s typical average order value. Creators group their favorite hair extensions into cohesive bundles, which results in customers adding more to their carts. 

On top of that, 1 and 3 of all shoppers who complete purchases through Creator Storefronts are first-time customers with a low CAC. In fact, the average CAC in the Beauty space is $61.0, whereas for Storefront shoppers, it is $24.2 (average commission paid to the creator) – a CPA that is 60.60% lower than average.   

And all of these milestones are achieved with little management and development resources from the Donna Bella Hair team. LoudCrowd’s automations make for seamless delivery of affiliate creator communications, product seeding, commission payouts and more.


Reduction in Customer Acquisition Costs


Incremental Increase in Conversion Rate


Increase in Average Order Value


of Entire Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

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