
LoudCrowd monetizes your creators with end-to-end social commerce. Our mission is driving attributable revenue growth for your brand

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“This is exciting because we’re we’ve already been happy with the production and value provided from LoudCrowd at this point, so to be able to amplify this [with Storefronts] is tremendously significant.”

Kyle Carr

Community and Relationships Manager

“Our 200 Storefront affiliate creators now have the ability to curate and share personalized bundles of Revival rugs, directly on our eComm site. This offers an additional opportunity for creators to engage their followers with a curated shopping experience, while highlighting both evergreen and seasonal favorites.

Matt Gee

Senior Influencer Marketing and Social Media Manager

“LoudCrowd is an amazing platform that is really helping us scale our ambassador programs. We have been working closely with Alexa and she has been truly amazing at helping us feel confident in using the platform and giving ideas on how to grow our programs bigger and better.”

Lauren Holuby

US Brand Marketing Assistant

“The LoudCrowd team has been incredible and very hands-on from the initial onboarding process to helping us streamline our student ambassador program to even helping us strategize our marketing efforts for maximum growth using their tools. With an extremely user-friendly platform and supportive team, LoudCrowd has made life easier and most importantly lessened my usage of spreadsheets. I’m excited for the future can’t wait to see what LoudCrowd continues to help our team accomplish!”

Courtney Siwek

US Senior TikTok Influencer Executive

“Our recently launched creator-affiliate program with LoudCrowd has quickly generated six figures in revenue in just a matter of months, as well as a CPM that is far lower than our original projections. This program gives all of our ambassadors a personalized storefront, where they can customize their pages to feature Melinda Maria jewelry that they personally love and share the curated selections with their followers to drive sales. We truly consider our ambassadors to be part of our team and the personal storefronts help to solidify and share that value.”

Mackenzie Routson

Director of Social, Events & Brand Partnerships

“I use data from LoudCrowd in order to make marketing pitches to retailers on how we would support their business. There’s no value that you can put on how helpful the information and data within LoudCrowd is. I love everything about LoudCrowd from the people to the tools, I wonder how other brands run their ambassador programs! If other brands don’t see the value that LoudCrowd brings to you, even on the retail side of things, then there’s something missing, there’s really no other way to get that kind of data.”

Christine Abdelmalek

Founder & CEO

“Over the last year, we’ve had such an increase in outreach from interested creators. LoudCrowd has already been helpful in streamlining our communications & monitoring analytics. The team was very flexible, supportive & responsive, holding our hands every step of the way. They’ve also been so open to supporting our brand’s individual needs so that LoudCrowd really works for us. We’re thrilled to continue exploring their capabilities & scaling our program.”

Ashley Ludgood

Marketing Director

“In April, we motivated our creator-affiliates to boost sales via their Storefront pages and affiliate codes by increasing our commission period. This initiative resulted in a remarkable 90% increase in sales! A big thank you to LoudCrowd for consistently guiding us in strategizing innovative methods to enhance sales through our creator-affiliates”

Emily Patton

Brand Manager

“We love to use the platform to run quick challenges with our student ambassador program! We recently ran a flash challenge for PLT’s birthday and have another upcoming one day flash challenge for national unicorn day! It is so easy to plan, the students also love them! We can plan a challenge that day and have it sent out at the end of the day! We can also pick the winners that night, so we have a whole challenge set up and completed in one day time!”

Kira Renier

US Influencer Assistant

“With Grin, they didn’t do everything that LoudCrowd’s Storefronts can. Cost-wise, this is also more economical, which is good, but also means that with the new updates, you guys could charge more and should because it does all of these things right. In the future, the scalability of this program is also very exciting for me because I’m the only person doing this. We don’t have a team dedicated to working on this, so it takes a lot of the workload off of me.”

Eltie Pearce

Social Media Manager

“Moving to LoudCrowd from LTK has really paid off. With LTK not only did we have to pay for the platform, but also influencer rates on top of that. With LoudCrowd, not only is the interface digestible, but we aren’t paying rates for influencers, just a percentage of commissions that we control. It’s the best of both worlds!”

Karley DeCocker

Social Media Expert

“Working with LoudCrowd has made it easy to identify our top performing affiliates to not only give them the opportunity to have a personalized Creator Storefront which lives natively on our site, but the ability to collaborate with them on new product launches”

Jon Gougeon


“We love the metrics. The team loves being able to pull UGC put it into a marketing folder and then I’m done! It takes me 2 seconds and it’s wonderful. And the reporting is great. It gives a lot of validity to our program.”

Tanya Cardinal

Marketing Director

“Now that we have LoudCrowd, I’m not sure how we functioned for so long without it! The rewards program allows us to not only cultivate relationships with longtime Yasso lovers, but welcome new consumers into the fandom. They get awesome prizes for promoting us and we get increased brand exposure…win, win! Plus, the customer support team is friendly, attentive and constantly working on new and exciting ways to improve the platform’s capabilities.”

Emily Racanelli

Community Engagement Coordinator

“We had reached out to this account with around 100k followers to partner in the past, and they had declined. I reached out to them last night to see if they’d like to be an ambassador now that we had LoudCrowd’s Ambassador Storefronts, and they thought it was really cool and jumped at the opportunity”

Christine Abdelmalek

Founder & CEO

Ready to better monetize your influencers?