User Generated Content (UGC) Benchmarks

The LoudCrowd UGC Benchmark tool analyzes content across social media accounts and brand tags so you can measure your brand’s results alongside industry standards.

Instagram UGC Benchmarking Tool
See how your brand’s UGC compares against market leaders. All you need is industry and follower count to estimate your UGC volume – how many tags/mentions you get – and benchmark your performance.
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UGC performance can vary greatly by industry
How many Instagram followers do you have?
How many Instagram tags/mentions do you get per month?
If you don't know, to discover how many tags/mentions you're getting.
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Generating your report

What is UGC?

User generated content (UGC) is authentic, trustworthy content posted by customers, fans, and your community. The power of UGC lies in how it reaches and engages the largest audience possible through network effects since it leverages the followings of real people across social. Tapping into this power takes no spreadsheets of individuals and no tracking contracts –  UGC is fueled by customers who choose to post and share about your brand.


Measuring UGC

Start by collecting data on all of your brand tags and mentions. How many do you get per day? Per month? This initial number can help benchmark where you fall among other brands in your industry. Then to understand the impact of UGC, you need to measure the audience reach by impressions of each post. LoudCrowd calculates this number automatically. 

For reporting purposes, you can assign earned media value (EMV) to UGC; for example [Impressions x 0.03] or $30 CPM (Cost per thousand – or the price of 1k ad impressions).  



Analyzing UGC

Organic UGC – digital word-of-mouth referrals that are the most valuable and least expensive way to build brand awareness. Harnessing this digital channel is the largest opportunity for audience growth and exponential social reach. By analyzing your organic UGC, you can benchmark against the industry best and track segment trends. Then strategize growth by implementing social gifting or organizing an ambassador/influencer program.


What’s Next?

Get strategic. Measure your brand against industry benchmarks so you can start to track and understand trends in UGC. Learn how to best grow this invaluable digital channel across platforms with detailed industry benchmarks and stats on valuable social media trends.