Analyze and Track User-Generated Content

With UGC Analytics, bring digital strategy and organic social media measurement together in one place to better understand, segment, and manage the earned value of UGC across all your customers, influencers, and brand ambassadors.

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more engagement

Social gifting drives 73% more customer engagement


user-generated content

Superfans create 11 times more UGC than a typical customer


more likely to post again

Featuring a creator will drive repeat brand mentions


Analyze the Value of Organic Content

User-generated content is one of the largest opportunities for audience growth and increasing social reach. With LoudCrowd, you can benchmark and measure the growth of this digital marketing channel while also organizing an ambassador or influencer program.


Customer Segmentation

When engaging customers, fans, brand ambassadors, or influencers, leverage LoudCrowd to organize and segment by several categories including rewards, loyalty points, tags and posts, etc.


Competitive Analysis

Review your tagged posts for competitors and other tagged brands. Use these benchmarks to adjust your strategy and focus on expanding segments or rewards to the most loyal customers.


Data Driven Revenue Goals

Multi-touch attribution isn’t perfect but it helps to have all the data points. Using LoudCrowd, you can finally attach a revenue goal to user-generated content by leveraging EMV to measure social tags and organic content across customers, influencers, and ambassadors.

UGC Marketing starts with Measurement

What is the monthly value of my UGC?

Measure the Earned Media Value (EMV) of everyone creating UGC.

Who's generating the most UGC Value?

Analyze EMV from every segment (influencers, affiliates, Superfans, organic, etc).